Write-off of the Unclaimed dividend of
FY 2018 & special dividend declared in July 2019
Atenas, 3 de outubro de 2024 - Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. ("OTE S.A." or the "Company"), informs investors and its shareholders that the five-year deadline for the collection of the fiscal year 2018 dividend & the special dividend declared in July 2019, will expire on 31/12/2024. After this date, the total amount of any uncollected dividends will be assigned to the Greek State.
Shareholders that have not yet collected these dividends may do so through any Piraeus Bank branch until 31/12/2024, upon display of their Identity Card or Passport. The dividends may also be collected until this date on behalf of the shareholders by a proxy, upon display of a power of attorney and their identification. Following this date, shareholders will no longer be entitled to receive these dividends.
For any further information or related enquiries, shareholders may contact the OTE Group Investor Relations.
Tel. +30 210 6115381, +30 210 6117364, +30 210 6332342
E-mail: [protexido por correo electrónico], [protexido por correo electrónico]
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